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| DuTV Network CEO

| Writer for the Praxistas Blog.

These terms are often used interchangeably, but each has a specific meaning.


The Hebrews are recognized as the predecessors of the Jews, being the first inhabitants of the Land of Israel to use the Hebrew language in their communication. This designation carries with it a connotation more linked to ethnic and tribal traits than purely religious ones.


Refers to the descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel, which are considered the ancestors of the Jewish people. Historically, the Israelites were the inhabitants of the ancient land of Israel before the division of the kingdom and subsequent exile.


It is a term that refers to citizens of the modern State of Israel, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. Thus, an Israeli can be Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Druze, among other religions, and can also belong to different ethnic origins.


It concerns a person who practices Judaism, the monotheistic religion of the Jewish people. Being Jewish can also be an ethnic and cultural identity, related to ancestral descent according to the Jewish religion. Therefore, someone can be Jewish both by faith, by following Judaism, and by ethnic heritage.

What is the difference between an Orthodox Jew and a Messianic Jew ("Nazarene" or "Natzarin")?

Orthodox Jews are those who strictly follow the laws and traditions of Judaism, basing their practice on the Torah (Jewish law) and rabbinic traditions. They are generally very dedicated to studying the Scriptures and Jewish tradition, in addition to strictly observing religious rituals and customs.

On the other hand, Messianic Jews are a relatively small group of people who combine Jewish faith and practice with belief in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. They see Jesus as fulfilling Old Testament messianic prophecies and maintain Jewish practices, such as Shabbat and Jewish festivals, while also following Christian teachings. This group is considered controversial by traditional Jews, as the idea of Jesus as Messiah is not accepted in traditional Judaism.

Thus, the main difference between Orthodox Jews and Messianic Jews lies in the Messianic belief in Jesus Christ and the way they combine aspects of Judaism and Christianity in their religious practice.

Is there a distinction between the term "Semitic" and "Jew"?

The etymology of the word "Semitic" goes back to "Shem", ancestor of the descendants of Shem, the firstborn of Noah.

Originally, the Semites encompassed a diversity of people in antiquity, such as Hebrews, Arabs, Babylonians, Assyrians, Arameans, Canaanites and Phoenicians.

Over time, the meaning of the term became more specific, influenced by the anti-Jewish narrative of the late 19th century, which mistakenly used the word "Semitic" in a restricted way, limiting its use only to Jews.

This is how the term "anti-Semitism" arose, popularly associated with the movement against Jews.


The term "Zionist" originates from the Zionist movement, which emerged in the late 19th century with the aim of establishing a Jewish state in the Land of Israel.

Initially, the term was used to describe those who supported this idea or were involved in the movement.

However, over time, the term "Zionist" has been the subject of controversy and diverse interpretations.

Some people may use the term in a pejorative way, associating it with specific policies, controversial actions or perceived prejudices towards Palestinians or similar people, which can result in a negative connotation.


It is important to note that, as in many cases, the interpretation and connotation of a term may vary depending on the context, individual point of view and the intentions behind the use of the term.

It is always good to consider the context in which the term is being used and the way it is perceived by the different parties involved.



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| Foreign Trade Professional.

| Writer for the Praxistas Blog.

In a world where poor management is as common as cold coffee on a Monday morning, we find unsung heroes: resilient employees.

These brave warriors face barriers, lack of motivation and, occasionally, the temptation to throw everything up and run away like an anime character.

But how to do this?

Leave your job and look for another opportunity?

That's where things get interesting.

Imagine the scenario: you, a fearless professional, facing the corporate jungle.

Your field requires fluent English and a bachelor's degree, but you have neither.

The solution?

Well, you could learn English with a language app while juggling household bills.

Who needs a degree when you have the ability to figure out why the load hasn't left yet and make sure the factory keeps running?

But wait, there's more!

You decide to leave the company to have “emotional peace”. After all, who doesn't want peace? But when you start your new job, you realize that emotional peace doesn't pay the bills.

Astral hell materializes in the form of an overdue electricity bill and a package of instant noodles for dinner.

People's empathy is like a unicorn: everyone talks about it, but few have actually seen it.

And mimimi?

Well, it's there, floating in the air, like a ghost that only appears when you're about to give up.

So what to do?

You can't drop everything and run away, but you also don't want to get stuck in a cycle of discouragement and lack of money.

The answer?


Turn your limitations into superpowers.

If your field requires English, become the Sherlock Holmes of the language, deciphering every grammatical mystery. If a bachelor's degree is a requirement, remember that life is the best university and you are the most dedicated student.

And so, with a smile on your face and a packet of noodles in your hand, you continue your journey. Because, after all, happy are those who have a good foundation, but even happier are those who know how to build bridges over the abysses of inequality.

And if someone asks why you don't give up, say proudly, “I'm the hero of my own story.

And besides, someone needs to make sure the factory doesn't stop!



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| DuTV Network CEO

| Writer for the Praxistas Blog.

The CIA, or Central Intelligence Agency, is the main intelligence agency in the United States. It was created in 1947, shortly after the end of World War II, with the aim of collecting and analyzing foreign intelligence information and carrying out covert operations in defense of US interests.

The CIA was formed in 1947, through the National Security Act signed by the President of the United States at the time, Harry S. Truman. The creation of the agency was a response to the need to centralize and coordinate the American government's intelligence activities, which until then were dispersed across several agencies and departments.

The CIA was born from the merger of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), an intelligence agency created during World War II, with the Research and Analysis Branch, a department of the State Department.

Its main purpose was to collect and analyze foreign information, provide intelligence reports to the government, and conduct covert operations in defense of United States interests.

During the Cold War, the CIA played a key role in collecting information about the Soviets and their allies, as well as carrying out covert operations in several countries around the world.

Unlike the FBI, the CIA is not a police force in the traditional sense of the term. While traditional police forces' main function is to maintain public order, enforce laws and investigate crimes within national territory, the CIA is an intelligence and espionage agency focused on international affairs.

White House - Washington DC

The CIA is linked to the Executive Branch of the United States, more specifically the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). The Director of National Intelligence is the chief advisor to the President of the United States on intelligence matters and coordinates the activities of all of the country's intelligence agencies, including the CIA.

Although the CIA operates independently and has its own resources and authority, it must follow general guidelines and policies established by the federal government, particularly the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. This ensures that the CIA's activities are aligned with the strategic intelligence objectives of the United States government and do not act in isolation or contrary to national interests.

The CIA has been involved in several controversies and controversies throughout its history, some of which are:

1. Operation MKUltra: A mind control research program carried out by the CIA in the 1950s and 1960s, involving drug experiments, hypnosis and psychological torture on individuals without their consent.

2. Overthrow of foreign governments: The CIA has been accused of involvement in several operations to overthrow foreign governments considered adversaries of the United States, such as in Iran in 1953 and Chile in 1973.

3. Support to rebel and armed groups: The CIA has also been involved in providing support to rebel and armed groups in different countries, often triggering internal conflicts and human rights violations.

4. Communications Interception: The CIA has been criticized for its involvement in mass surveillance and communications interception programs, violating the privacy of individuals and foreign governments.

5. Overthrow of Mohammad Mossadegh's democratic government in Iran in 1953, in an operation known as Operation Ajax. The CIA helped orchestrate a coup that resulted in Shah Reza Pahlavi being installed in power.

6. Support for the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, a failed operation to overthrow Fidel Castro's government in Cuba. The CIA trained and equipped Cuban exiles to try to create a rebellion.

7. Support for rebel groups in Nicaragua in the 1980s. The CIA provided funding and weapons to the so-called "Contras" who fought against the Sandinista government, amid accusations of human rights violations.

Before September 11, 2001, the CIA was primarily focused on intelligence gathering and covert operations around the world to combat threats to the national security of the United States. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, there was a significant change in the CIA's activities, with an increased focus on combating global terrorism.

The agency began devoting more resources and efforts to tracking and dismantling terrorist organizations, such as Al Qaeda, and preventing future attacks. This included counterintelligence operations, cooperation with other countries' security agencies, and even the use of controversial interrogation and detention practices.

Additionally, the CIA has expanded its drone operations to carry out targeted attacks against terrorist leaders in regions such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen. These actions were part of a broader post-9/11 counter-terrorism strategy.

The CIA had information and warning signs that indicated that Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda were planning large-scale terrorist attacks before September 11, 2001. There were intelligence reports indicating that Al Qaeda was planning a major attack against the United States. United States, including the use of planes as weapons.

However, despite some specific warnings and intelligence alerts, communication and analysis of information within and between US intelligence agencies was flawed, which ultimately resulted in the inability to connect all the dots and stop the attacks.

After the September 11 attacks, there was a deep review of US intelligence and security procedures to try to avoid similar failures in the future.

There have been reports and conspiracy theories that suggest that the Mossad, Israel's intelligence service, warned the CIA about possible attacks before 9/11.



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