I don't know why they fear a global conflict so much when we talk about Brazil.
If we win with the Western allies, we will continue as we are (in status quo ante);
If we lose with the allies, we will be a Sino-Russian domain. A large corrupt farm and a prison for freedom of expression of different ideologies and eastern dictatorships (completely the same thing with the current jurisprudence of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court...). We would just need to know more Belarusian and Mandarin;
If we lose with the BRICS, the current communist government will suffer conformity in the face of the Western Allied victory and a new liberal economic social democratic government would be implemented for the coming decades, as happened with Japan after the 2nd World War. And extreme left parties would definitely be banned in Brazil;
If a complete global nuclear conflict occurs, the entire northern hemisphere will be destroyed and, even if we enter nuclear winter for a few years and with radioactive clouds for a few months, only the Global South would be left and Brazil will inevitably be the only remaining world power.
As INCREDIBLE as it may seem, but IN ANY SCENARIO faced with a possible 3rd WORLD WAR, Brazil, AT LEAST IN THE END, will be SUCCESSFUL!
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