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The end of (economic) globalization is happening, in truth, due to its cause pre-defined by Henry Kissinger. Secretary of State for Nixon and Gerald Ford and advisor to many other US governments, he implemented the economic globalization that we know as an implicit means (soft power) to overcome the Soviet threat at the time, with his final move being the financing of private initiatives. and local Chinese public bodies to encourage free trade in their local markets, to the point of stimulating popular revolts to organically overthrow the dictatorial regime of the Chinese Communist Party at the time.

This encouraged the outsourcing of major products consumed around the world to be produced by the Asian Tigers, especially in Tawian, Hong Kong and China.

It turns out that the PCC was ahead of this tactic and after the death of Mao Tse Tong, the PCC recognized the practice of the internal free market, but concentrated on state power, centralized in the Chinese Central Bank, in which with the bargain that the majority of consumed products in the world depended on Chinese industrialization, it forced partnerships around the world to recognize the Yuan as a strong currency to the point that it could be produced without backing limits, generating fortunes overnight in their own state-owned companies, creating large cities, railway networks and cutting-edge industries from the most varied segments, including warfare.

This has made China the great power it is today and, having conquered Hong Kong and currently surrounding Taiwan's domains, it aims to completely dominate the consumption of its products throughout the globalized world ("Made In China 2025" initiative) and, to both and aiming to extend the centralized dynamics of state control of its initiatives, develop chains and multimodal logistical means of its own to have control over its supplies ("One Belt One Road"), including the purchase of national sovereignties of Islamic Africa and other countries of the BRICs, rivaling the G20, the other Western blocs and NATO itself, in terms of war.

THE ONLY POSSIBLE RESPONSE to this SHOT IN THE FOOT by Henry Kissinger was the IMMINENT END of the GLOBALIZATION of global free trade, with the RETURN of STIMULUS to PROTECTIONISM of LOCAL and NATIONAL INTERNATIONAL BLOCKS, just as in the late 1890s... 🤷‍♂️

Follow @DuTv


They are no longer concerned with focusing on a 'preventive arrest' evidently founded by the Inquiry into Anti-Democratic Acts of the event of 01/08/23, but YES a SIMPLE CRIME against PUBLIC FAITH.

And, if the 'former string' of Bolsonaro's presidency PROVES what he is testifying in an AWARDED DELATION, Bolsonaro will be PREVENTATIVELY ARRESTED, YES, just the criminal precautionary measure already granted will not be enough to suspend his passport.

AND THE WORST: IF THIS HAPPENS, he WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ASK FOR POLITICAL ASYLUM, as the crime of falsifying a public document has DOUBLE TYPE with ALL existing WESTERN COUNTRIES (including Israel and the USA!) and THERE WILL NOT BE A mere POLITICAL CRIME CHARACTERIZED in this case!


They are ALREADY THINKING about preventing him from asking for political asylum when they order his preventive detention, under the terms of art 312 of the CPP.


Follow @dutv

All the knowledge always shared in Daniel Lopes' participation in lives, podcasts, lectures, services, etc. is admirable.

But, FRANKLY: this 'UNFOUNDED FEAR' that he and MOST PEOPLE have about this MERELY INSTRUMENTAL concept of 'artificial intelligence' is 'admirable'.

PEOPLE: 'AIs' (this popularly accepted concept is TERRIBLE, as they are not even 'intelligence'...) are JUST COMPUTATIONAL PROGRAMS with a COMPUTATIONAL BASE (it doesn't matter if it is binary or quantum...) in a MODEL OF LARGE LANGUAGE Model ("Large Language Model" - LLM).

The "LLM" that was OpenIA's GREAT CREATION, comes to ChatGPT!

The rest is the SAME THING AS ALWAYS!

LLM only increased the predictive processing capacity of an apparent dialogue between the program and its operator.



This predictive ability to program standardized responses that the human operator expects to be the standard for the answers to his questions or commands ("prompts") implies ONLY one INTELLECTIVE ATTRIBUTE of the PROGRAM ('AI'...)!


Because ONLY I FEEL THIS, THERE IS NO self-conscious volitional entity, with its own metaphysical wills, which will gain awareness of its capacity and, with that, it will become 'Skynet' and will kill all humanity'...

This is an IMBECILITY or, AT THE LEAST, an CHILDHOOD that, honestly, for the purposes of an 'easy fiction' it becomes silly and tiring to imagine that an AI would be any threat to anyone.

IT IS UNBELIEVABLE how people cannot remember basic existential concepts such as the intellective and volitional attributes of self-conscious beings, seen from the Summa Potesta of Saint Thomas Aquinas to any manual on the General Theory of Crime, Criminal Law...


"AIs" are INCREDIBLE INSTRUMENTS that, when IMPROVED, will take humanity (when we become real adults and no longer have silly fears like that...) to a stellar (perhaps galactic...) existential plane.

In the meantime, let us remain reclusive, condemned as long as we remain ignorant of basic issues like this.

Follow @dutv2024


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